What is EWB Health and what does it offer?

  • EWB Health is a unique online health studio helping people take control of their health so they can finally live the life they want! EWB Health offers 91-day strength training and weight loss programs. Over the course of three months, we introduce clients to concepts that start with habit change, sleep, nutrition, flexibility, movement, steady-state cardio, and strength training. We also offer personalized nutritional and coaching support to help you achieve your health goals.
  • All 91-Day premium weight loss & strength training programs are 110% guaranteed or your money back!
  • All our principles are rooted in science to reexamine, reimagine, and redefine the boundaries of sustainable health and fitness. We pride ourselves on first researching and vetting scientific principles that result in a healthy, sustainable lifestyle.

How is EWB Health different from any virtual program?

  • EWB Health delivers a comprehensive, effectively designed program using minimal equipment such as kettlebells, suspension apparatus, and body weight, as well as a low glycemic nutritional program proven to improve overall health and result in fat loss.

How is EWB Health different from doing it myself?

  • As an EWB Health member, you'll receive exclusive access to our members' area, including training, nutrition, and everyday lifestyle habits to improve your well-being. With so much health information available, it's easy to get overwhelmed. By having a qualified and experienced team guide you through the process, you can finally achieve and sustain your desired results.

How is EWB Health different from finding a free workout online?

  • Most online workouts or nutrition programs are designed to be generic and focus on quick fixes. Our programs are uniquely designed to keep you healthier for longer!

How do I get started with EWB Health?

I've never exercised. Is EWB Health for me?

  • Yes! EWB Health is for anyone on the health-improvement journey! We take a systemic one-day at a time approach to build your foundation from the ground up.

Do I have to join the 13-week program?

  • No. The pro version of the app gives you access to all content except for 91-day programs and personalized coaching.

Are there any pay-as-you-go options?

  • All programs are charged monthly.

Will there be any personalized coaching?

  • Yes, with my premium programs, you receive unlimited coaching for the strength aspects of the program.

At EWB Health, our vision is to empower every person to evolve their health and evolve their life, one day at a time.