Meet the founder and learn more about EWB Health.


Our goal is to empower individuals with scientific knowledge and sustainable habits that improve their overall health which includes physical and mental health, improve their physical mobility by focusing on functional fitness as well as focus on disease prevention through lifestyle changes. We want to empower individuals to take charge of their health and live better for longer!


We embrace a data-driven approach. This begins with measuring and acknowledging our starting points. We systematically teach clients how to track their progress and identify where there are failures in achieving daily goals so that we can change based on those failures.

How Does It Work?

We start with recommending collecting biomarkers and body measurements for baseline:

  • Fasting blood sugar
  • Triglycerides
  • HDL
  • Blood pressure
  • Waist measurement
  • Thyroid hormones

Clients obtain their lab work from either their primary care provider or a local lab providing these tests. Some insurance payors encourage patients to get wellness checks and therefore cover patients' lab visits. The client's medical provider would review the lab results. It's essential to have a licensed health care provider check the results to ensure that the client is in good health and prepared to start a weight loss program. As well, a review of labs would identify any health conditions needing immediate treatment. All clients should be cleared before starting EWB Health programs. Clients will also be given access to preferred lab vendors.


Our goal is to work together to improve clients overall health, which will result in:

  • Better quality of life
  • Decreased medication use
  • Improved sleep
  • Increased energy
  • Mental clarity


In these post-pandemic times, individuals are yearning for a sense of community and desire to get healthy. We are building a positive, encouraging community at EWB Health, where we support clients and hold them accountable. It's important to embrace our growth mindset and remember what it’s like to be a beginner. We meet clients where they are along their health and fitness journey.

Evolve Your Body

Evolve Your Mind

Evolve Your Health


A certified health and fitness professional:

Blake Turner

Founder and Evolve Educator

Founder Blake Turner has been a health and fitness professional in the Bay Area for nearly a decade. His breadth of knowledge and depth of expertise were developed through a B.A. in Psychology, multiple nutrition and fitness certifications, and years of working with hundreds of clients.

While initially considering a career in medicine, prevention fueled his desire to help people proactively embrace new attitudes. As a life-long learner, he augmented with additional studies of neuroscience, nutritional biochemistry, exercise physiology, metabolism, corrective exercise, and movement philosophies.

Blake’s dynamic and versatile training style blends health and fitness philosophies rooted in science, a biopsychosocial approach, a whole-person perspective, and a desire to empower others to grow and cultivate their full potential through experience paired with education.

When he’s not helping clients pursue healthful goals, Blake delights in traveling, enjoys nature hikes, and devours science fiction novels. Apart from the physical aspects of his work, he’s a comic nerd equally enriched by stimulating conversations, days at the museum, and board games.

  • B.A Psychology University of California Davis: graduated with honors
  • National Academy of Sports Medicine Certified Personal Trainer
  • Precision Nutrition Certified Coach
  • Yoga 200 Hour Teacher Training -Awakening Yoga
  • TRX Suspension Training Certified

At EWB Health, our vision is to empower every person to evolve their health and evolve their life, one day at a time.